Saturday, December 15, 2007

Greetings From the Bar Slut

Raspy and I welcome you to our humble abode. To get to know me better, here is a list of my likes and dislikes.


1. Karaoke
2. Picking up strange men in bars (hence why I'm a bar slut, duh).
3. Picking up men on Craig's list, banging them in the backseat of the car my rich husband bought me and crying about it on my blog for all the world to see.
4. Being a total bitch to people because I have no self-esteem.
5. Playing the victim when I get called out on other blog sites.
6. Trolls.


1. Women better looking than me.
2. Women who are smarter than me.
3. Men who know me for the two-bit tramp that I really am.

1 comment:

Rasputin said...

"2. Women who are smarter than me."

Damn. You hate EVERY WOMAN?

That's harsh. When should I pick you up???